Dust and particulate matter monitoring network in mining industry in Brazil

The air quality monitoring network deployed has made it possible to record the parameters of interest in order to alert the network operators when any of them exceed the limit values.


The core business of Brazil Iron Mineração LTDA, located in Piatã, Bahia (Brazil) and whose main business is the production and sale of iron ore, as well as manganese research, approached Acoem Brazil with the need for an air quality monitoring network in the rural area of Piatã.

Acoem Brazil, the official distributor of Kunak solutions for Brazil, thanks to its extensive experience in environmental monitoring and emission control, proposed the creation of an environmental monitoring network to control both dust and suspended particles derived from the extraction and processing of minerals that could affect nearby populations.

As part of its environmental and social responsibility strategy, and given the relative proximity of different communities to the extraction sites, it was necessary to monitor the presence of particles and dust in the air in order to know the impact that mining activity has on the quality of life and health of the population, and thus mitigate its emissions and, consequently, control its impact.

The air quality monitoring network deployed has made it possible to record the parameters of interest in order to alert the network operators when any of them exceed the limit values through a diagnosis and supervision system and thus help decision-making.


Deployment of two Kunak AIR Pro stations and wind sensors powered by solar panels to control dust and particulate matter in the air in continuous and real-time monitoring, enabling the company to identify the potential impact generated by mining activity.


  • Residence near the Mocó mine.
  • Bocaina community school.


Accurate and reliable data on air quality performance during iron mining, mainly contributing to identifying critical periods during mining activities.