This is the objective of the project developed by Aptica, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, called ACOPIAIA – Ports 4.0 (Algorithm for the Characterisation, Optimisation and Prediction of Environmental Impact based on Artificial Intelligence in Ports 4.0).
This project is supported by the Port Authority of Almeria, which will provide the port area for the installation of the monitoring network using Kunak AIR Pro stations for the initial data collection and validation of the algorithms.
The ACOPIAIA – Ports 4.0 project has been awarded by of the 2021 call for aid for research and development projects in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies and their integration into value chains.
For the environmental impact measurement project, a network of 7 Kunak AIR Pro air quality stations has been deployed with the capacity to measure multiple pollutants such as CO, NO, NO2, O3 and SO2 and suspended particles (PM1, PM2,5, PM4, PM10, TSP and TPC), as well as various meteorological variables such as temperature, humidity, pressure and dew point.
In addition, 4 of the stations have a sound level meter to measure noise pollution arising from port activity.
Accurate and reliable information on the environmental impact of port operations through real-time monitoring of gases and particles for the development of algorithms to optimise port activity.
In addition, control of the environmental impact and the impact on workers with a focus on people’s health.