1. Measurement range: concentration range measured by the sensor.
2. Resolution: smallest unit of measurement that can be indicated by the sensor.
3. Operating temperature range: temperature interval at which the sensor is rated to operate safely and provide measurements.
4. Operating RH range (Recommended RH range): humidity interval at which the sensor is rated to operate safely and provide measurements.
5. Operating life: lifetime of the sensor at normal conditions.
6. Guarantee range: limit covered by the guarantee.
7. LOD (Limit Of Detection): measured at laboratory conditions at 20ºC and 50% RH. The limit of detection is the minimum concentration that can be detected as significantly different at zero gas concentration, based on the metric from the Technical Specification CEN/TS 17660-1:2022.
8. Repeatability (measured at laboratory conditions at 20ºC and 50% RH): closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same measure carried out under the same conditions of measurement, based on the metric from the Technical Specification CEN/TS 17660-1:2022.
9. Response time: time needed by the sensor to reach 90% of the final stable value.
10. Statistical metric: statistics obtained between hourly measurements of the device and the reference instruments for 1 to 8 months field test between -10 to +30 ºC in different countries. (*) The expected error for PM10 is higher in presence of coarse particles.
11. DQO-Typical U(exp): Data Quality Objective expressed as the Expanded Uncertainty in the Limit Value obtained between hourly measurements of the device and the reference instruments for 1 to 8 months field test between -10 to +30ºC in different countries, based on the metric from the European Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC and from the Technical Specification CEN/TS 17660- 1:2022. (*) The expected error for PM10 is higher in presence of coarse particles.
12. Typical intra-model variability: calculated as the standard deviation of the three sensor means in 1 to 8 months field test between -10 to +30ºC in different countries.
Founded in 1988, Apex Instruments is an American-owned company that has a worldwide impact. Apex provides source emissions and ambient air solutions, custom trailers, cloud-based data workflows and heated sample lines.